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The Red Pencil (Europe) - Alterjob
The Red Pencil (Europe)
The Red Pencil (Europe)
The Red Pencil (Europe), founded in 2019, is a Foundation of Public Utility registered in Belgium with as mission to bring the benefits of art therapy (drawing, music, drama and dance) to children, adults and families who have been through difficult life circumstances, for which they may have no words.

The creative process of drawing, making music or performing drama or dance allows the client to express the unspeakable, to experience release and relief, to find new resources, gain self-confidence and feel empowered to move on towards a more hopeful and happier life. 

At The Red Pencil (Europe), we are dedicated to the resilience and sustainable recovery of the most vulnerable from all walks of life, to allow them to grow and resume the path of their life. Our activities are structured around 4 axes: social Inclusion, youth, health & responses to the pandemic.

The Red Pencil (Europe) is part of the organisation The Red Pencil Humanitarian Mission which has offices in Singapore, Geneva and Dubai.

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