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FEANTSA - Alterjob
FEANTSA is the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless. We are the only European NGO focusing exclusively on the fight against homelessness. Our ultimate goal is an end to homelessness in Europe.

Established in 1989, FEANTSA brings together non-profit services that support homeless people in Europe. We have over 120 member organisations from 30 countries, including 27 Member States.

FEANTSA works towards ending homelessness by:

• Engaging in constant dialogue with the European institutions, national and regional governments to promote the development and implementation of effective measures to end homelessness.
• Conducting and disseminating research and data collection to promote a better understanding of the nature, extent, causes of, and solutions to, homelessness.
• Promoting and facilitating the exchange of information, experience and good practice between FEANTSA's member organisations and relevant stakeholders with a view to improve policies and practices addressing homelessness.
• Raising public awareness about the complexity of homelessness and the multidimensional nature of the problems faced by homeless people.
