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Clean Clothes Campaign European Coordination - Alterjob
Clean Clothes Campaign European Coordination
Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) is dedicated to improving working conditions and supporting the empowerment of workers - most of them women - in the global garment and sportswear industry. In the more than 30 years of our existence, an effective global network of more than 220 trade unions and NGOs has been created. Members and partners within the CCC global network are committed to a shared Global Strategic Framework, and cooperate in global working groups, as well as through national and regional coalitions. For more information on our recent campaigns and advocacy work, as well as our vision, mission and principles, you can visit https://cleanclothes.org.

CCC Europe is one of the 4 regional coalitions of the global network - in Europe with members and partners in 26 European countries. In 12 European countries, these members and partners are organised in national coalitions. In Europe, we educate and mobilise consumers, lobby companies and governments, and offer direct solidarity support to workers, as they fight for their rights and demand better working conditions.

CCC's goals include being a diversity-based organisation in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.
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